Demand Value Comparison Module

The Demand Value Comparison module compares the customer's billed demand in the current bill period to their billed demand in the previous bill period, and provides varying feedback based on how the customer's usage in the current period compares to the previous period.


This image shows an example of the Demand Value Comparison module:

This image shows an example of the Demand Value Comparison module.

User Experience Variations

This section discusses how the module can vary.

Customer Used Less This Period

If a customer used less energy during their demand hour this period than they did during the previous period, the module displays the following:

Insight Statement: During your demand hour this bill period, you used <X> kW less than last bill period.

Customer Used About The Same This Period

If a customer used about the same during their demand hour as they did the previous period, the module displays the following:

Insight Statement: During your demand hour this bill period, you used <X> kW, the same as the last bill period.

Configuration Options

For each element listed in the table, indicate the desired configuration in the Input Value column. If you do not provide an input for optional configurations, the default will be used.

Configuration Option Input Value

Peak Period Name

The name of the peak period can be configured in the bar graph labels and the explanatory statement. The same name should be used in all instances across all Behavioral Load Shaping email modules.

Default: Peak


Choose one of the following:

Use the default.

Use the following peak period name:

Decimal Places

You can configure the module to include up to two decimal places in the kW value display. For example, you can display the kW value as follows:

  • 24 kW
  • 24.2 kW
  • 24.25 kW


Specify the number of decimal places:

To see how this module fits into the overall user experience, see Design and Configuration: Demand Rate Coach Emails.

User Experience Variations

This section discusses the user experience variations in the Demand Value Comparison module.

Customer Used Less This Period

If a customer used less energy during their demand hour this period than they did during the previous period, the insight statement reads, "During your demand hour this bill period, you used <X> kW less than last bill period."

Customer Used About the Same This Period

If a customer used about the same during their demand hour as they did the previous period, the insight statement reads, "During your demand hour this bill period, you used <X> kW, the same as the last bill period."

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