Big Appliances Module

This module educates customers about which appliances use the most electricity, and which are low-usage appliances. This information enables customers to understand how they can shift the usage of their appliances to save money during peak hours.

On this page:

User Experience

This image shows an example of the Big Appliances module.

This module includes the following components:

Heading: This statement tells customers that the information in this module will help them save money during peak hours.

High-Energy Insight Statement: This statement tells customers that big appliances typically use the most energy, and that they can save money by using these high-usage appliances during off-peak hours. The statement is followed by graphics of these large appliances with labels:

  • Washer/Dryer
  • Pool Pump
  • Air Conditioner
  • Dishwasher

Low-Usage Insight Statement: This statement tells customers which appliances are low-usage, and can be used at any time.

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User Experience Variations

There are no user experience variations for this module.

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