TOU 101 Module

This module educates customers about when electricity is most expensive based on their TOU rate plan. The module provides customers with the following information:

  • Whether electricity prices differ on weekdays and weekends
  • How much more expensive peak prices are than off-peak prices
  • The hours during which electricity is most expensive
  • A visual timeline that displays off-peak, partial-peak, and peak hours

On this page:

User Experience

This section describes the user experience for the TOU 101 module.

Note This module was designed to be used in conjunction with the Hourly Usage module.

This image is an example using only peak and off-peak periods:

This image shows an example of the TOU 101 module.

This image shows an example using peak, partial-peak, and off-peak periods:

This image shows an example using peak, partial-peak, and off-peak periods

This module includes the following components:

Insight Statement: A statement at the top of the module identifies the peak hours, and provides information about how much more expensive energy use is during those hours. For example, the statement might say that electricity is 1.5x more expensive during certain hours in the afternoon.

Peak Hours Sliding Scale: This component highlights the hours during the day when the customer's electricity is most expensive based on their TOU rate plan. It is designed to inform customers when their electricity use will contribute most significantly to a higher energy bill.

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User Experience Variations

This section discusses the user experience variations in the TOU 101 module.

Peak Hours Insight Statement

The Peak Hours insight statement varies based on the customer's rate plan and the type of days displayed in the timeline. The following table shows the insight statement variations for different scenarios:

Peak Hour Scenario User Experience Example

Weekdays with a single peak period for plans with differing rates on weekdays and weekends.

On weekdays, electricity is 1.5x more expensive from <Xpm to Xpm>.

Weekdays with multiple peak periods for plans with differing rates on weekdays and weekends.

On weekdays, electricity is 1.5x more expensive from <Xam to Xpm> and <Xpm to Xpm>.

Weekend days with a single peak period for plans with differing rates on weekdays and weekends.

On weekends, electricity is 1.5x more expensive from <Xpm to Xpm>.

Weekend days with multiple peak periods for plans with differing rates on weekdays and weekends.

On weekdays, electricity is 1.5x more expensive from <Xam to Xpm> and <Xpm to Xpm>.

Any day for plans with a single peak period, and a pricing scheme that is the same on weekdays and weekends.

Electricity is 1.5x more expensive from <Xpm to Xpm>.

Any day for plans with multiple peak periods, and a pricing scheme that is the same on weekdays and weekends.

Electricity is 1.5x more expensive from <Xam to Xpm> and <Xpm to Xpm>.

Any of the above variations with tiered TOU rates.

The above statements are used, but the wording "up to" is included before the price ratio. For example:

  • Electricity is up to 1.5x more expensive from <Xpm to Xpm>.

  • On weekdays, electricity is up to 1.5x more expensive from <Xpm to Xpm> and <Xpm to Xpm>.

Note that the tier with the highest price ratio is used when determining the price ratio in the statement.

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Multiple Peak Periods

For utility customers with rate plans that include multiple peak periods, the timeline shows all peak periods using the same color.

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Peak and Partial-Peak Periods

For utility customers with rate plans that include both peak and partial-peak periods, the timeline shows both periods using two different colors.

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Weekday and Weekend Breakdowns with Different Pricing

If a customer’s rate plan has different weekday and weekend pricing breakdowns, then the Hourly Usage and TOU 101 modules must be separated so that weekdays are discussed first (with the accompanying TOU Coach Hourly Usage graph) and the weekend modules appear next.

Note that the insight statement above the timeline changes to reflect weekday and weekend use and includes the expense ratio for the specified day.

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Weekday and Weekend Breakdowns with Same Pricing

If a customer’s rate plan has peak hours on the weekdays and weekends, but the pricing scheme is the same during both the weekdays and weekends, then the TOU 101 module should only appear once, followed by two separate Hourly Usage modules that show the usage patterns of weekdays and weekends separately. Weekday and weekend usage patterns are typically consistently different. Separating them gives the customer an opportunity to better envision their behaviors.

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