Demand Tracker Module

The Demand Tracker module informs customers about the demand charge that will be included in their current billing period. Note the module does not identify the highest hour for the current week, but rather shows the highest demand hour during the current bill period. This hour might not have occurred in the current week. If the customer's demand charge has increased during the current week, the module notifies the customer that their demand charge increased during the current bill period.

This module also provides savings insights that help customers understand how shifting the use of high-energy appliances to off-peak hours can help them save money.

This module includes the following components:

Module Header: The header tells the customer that this module will help them keep track of their demand hour. The default heading reads, "Keep track of your highest usage hour".

Demand Hour Box: The box on the left tells the customer when their demand hour occurred in the current bill period. For example, "Your highest usage hour so far this bill period". The statement is followed by the date and time of the demand hour. For example, "Tuesday, Feb 4 from 7-8pm".

Demand Charge Box: The box on the right explains how the demand charge is calculated. This box tells the customer how many kilowatts they used during their demand hour, and provides information about the demand charge per kW during that hour. The first statement in the box reads, "kW used during that hour", followed by the actual number of kW used. For example, "4kW". Below the usage number is a statement that provides details about the price per kW during that demand hour. For example, "You'll be charged $12.24 per kW for your highest usage hour during peak times." The price is pulled from the utility's rate plan.

Savings Statement: Below the boxes is a statement that tells customers how they can save energy and money related to their demand charge. For example, "To keep your demand charges as low as possible, avoid overlapping use of large appliances during on-peak hours. Shifting appliance use out of on-peak hours altogether will help you save the most energy and money."

This image shows an example of the Demand Tracker module:

This image shows an example of the Demand Tracker module.

User Experience Variations

This topic covers the variations that can occur in this module.

New Demand Hour This Week

If the customer surpasses their highest demand in the current bill period, the module changes as follows to identify that the highest hour usage has increased since the last weekly email:

Heading: The heading changes to, "Your highest usage during peak hours has increased".

Demand Hour Box: The text in this box changes to, "Your highest usage hour so far this bill period is now".

Demand Charge Box: The ext in this box changes to, "kW used during that hour have increased to".

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