Customer Experience

The Business Customer Engagement Digital Self Service - Energy Management cloud service is a flexible web experience that provides businesses with personalized energy data, insights, and recommendations on how to save energy. The experience is delivered through modular, mobile-responsive widgets that are included in a standalone web portal or embedded in the pages of a utility's web site.

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Widgets and Requirements

The cloud service includes the widgets listed below. Most widgets and insights are available with billing data, while others require additional types of information such as weather data and AMI data. For a list of product-wide requirements, see Requirements and Limitations. Additional requirements vary by widget.

Widget Layout and Design

The layout of the widgets is responsive, allowing content to automatically adjust based on the customer's screen size and orientation (including mobile, tablet, and desktop displays). This responsive design causes minor variations in the user experience, since content can be displayed, hidden, or adjusted to account for the screen size. The use of media queries to implement the responsive design is supported. For example, the layout of a widget can be defined using up to four screen size breakpoints. For more information, see the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service - Energy Management Embeddable Widgets Integration Guide.

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Embeddable Widgets

An embeddable widget is any widget that can be included directly on an existing web page rather than requiring its own page. An embeddable widget can be included on a utility website or on the standalone Business Customer Engagement Digital Self Service - Energy Management web portal.

To embed a widget, JavaScript that calls the widget is provided to the utility. The JavaScript can be placed in the HTML of a web page, in the desired location. When a utility receives an updated widget, users automatically receive the latest version of the content when visiting the page that contains the embeddable widget. For more information on embedding widgets, see the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service - Energy Management Embeddable Widgets Integration Guide.

Be aware that the width of widgets that are embedded in containers is restricted by the container. This can cause embedded widgets to switch to smaller, responsive layouts at larger, overall screen sizes as compared to widgets that can utilize the full width of the page.

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