Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about configuring the Business Customer Engagement Digital Self Service - Energy Management cloud service.

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What is the process for embedding a widget in our page?

A widget is embedded using JavaScript that can be placed wherever appropriate in your web page. Your team will not need to change the script tag unless you want to change what content is displayed. The latest available version of the widget will always be displayed.

Your team must provide a mapping of embedded widgets and all page URLs in which each widget is embedded. Any updates to the locations where the widget is embedded must be communicated to your Oracle Utilities Delivery Team in advance of deploying the widget to the new location. See Embedded Widget Configurations to provide the page URLs for embedded widgets.

For the complete requirements and steps of the embedding process, see Embedding a Widget Using Web Components in the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service - Energy Management Embeddable Widgets Integration Guide.

Will a widget's script tag conflict with the JavaScript or CSS framework we are using?

No. The embedded content is contained within an iframe or HTML 5 custom events, which creates a barrier between your CSS and JavaScript code and the code provided by Oracle Utilities. The JavaScript code provided by Oracle Utilities is compatible with any JavaScript and CSS library, including any version of jQuery, Backbone, Angular, and Bootstrap.

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Is the embedding process secure?

Yes. Embeddable widgets use the OpenID Connect secure protocol to authenticate users that interact with Oracle Utilities Opower embedded widgets. See the Oracle Utilities Opower Digital Self Service - Energy Management Embeddable Widgets Integration Guide for more information.

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Are the widgets responsive?

Yes, all embeddable widgets are designed to fit in any reasonably-sized width. For example, an embedded widget can be included in a thin sidebar column, or as all of the content for a page. Oracle Utilities Opower does not recommend putting widgets in an area that is too small, such as a tooltip or menu.

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What is the minimum resolution to display widgets?

A minimum resolution of 320px is required for devices to display widgets.

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