Bank - Bank Account
To review Bank Accounts for a Bank, choose Admin > Financial > Bank > Search and then navigate to the Bank Account page.
Description of Page
Use the Bank Accounts tab to define the attributes of each bank account. For each account, enter the following information:
Enter a Bank Account Key to identify an Account at a Bank. You may have more than one account at a given bank, and you may have accounts at more than one bank. This code will allow the system to easily identify a specific account.
Enter a Description to appear on prompt lists, inquiries, and reports.
Enter the Account Number, Check Digit and if needed, the Branch ID of the bank where the account is held.
Enter the Currency Code for the currency in which the account is denominated.
Use DFI ID to define the Depository Financial Institution ID that is interfaced to the automatic payment-processing agent as part of the automatic payment interface.
Enter the Distribution Code to be used for cash GL distributions when a payment is frozen or canceled.