Defining Customer Languages
As described under Defining Languages, you define the language in which each user see the system. In addition to defining each user's language, the system allows you to define each customer's preferred language. For example, one customer can receive bills in English whereas another customer could receive their bills in Chinese.
Each customer's language is defined by the language code on their person record . Bills, adjustments and other system-generated records will then be done in the language of the main customer of the account. In addition, the language code is passed on to all customer-facing interfaces, such as letter requests and bill print.
You can define Rates in multiple languages - when a bill is generated, the line-item descriptions are generated and stored in the account's main customer's language of choice. Anyone who subsequently views these bills can only see the descriptions in that language.
To support bills and other correspondence, you must also provide translations of standard bill stock and letters. This must be handled by your printing software vendor.