Installation Options Framework - Algorithms
Select Admin > General > Installation Options - Framework and use the Algorithms page to define specific system events.
The following table describes each System Event.
System Event
Optional / Required
Account Information
We use the term "Account information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe an account. The data that appears in "account information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Plug an algorithm into this spot to override the system default "Account information".
Adjustment Information
We use the term "Adjustment information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe an adjustment. The data that appears in "Adjustment information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Plug an algorithm into this spot to override the system default "Adjustment information".
Note: This algorithm may be further overridden by an "Adjustment information" plug-in on the Adjustment Type. Refer to Adjustment Type for how algorithms of this type are used.
Appointment Information
We use the term "Appointment information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe an appointment . The data that appears in "appointment information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Auto Pay Creation
Required if you allow customers to pay automatically
This algorithm is executed to create automatic payments whenever the system creates automatic payments. Refer to How And When Are Automatic Payments Created for the details.
Bill Cycle Selection
This algorithm is only used if your organization has specific rule for assign a bill cycle to an account. This plug-in spot is invoked by the SA Activate/Stop common routine. The spot is called right after the system has updated the account.
Bill Information
We use the term "Bill information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a bill. The data that appears in "bill information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Bill Segment Information
We use the term "Bill segment information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a bill segment. The data that appears in "bill segment information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Case Information
We use the term "Case information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a case. The data that appears in "case information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Plug an algorithm into this spot to override the system default "Case information".
Note: This algorithm may be further overridden by a "Case information" plug-in on the Case Type. Refer to Case Type for how algorithms of this type are used.
Collection Agency Referral Information
We use the term "Collection Agency Referral information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a collection agency referral.
Plug an algorithm into this spot to override the system default "collection agency referral information".
Collection Process Information
This algorithm displays additional information related to a collection process in a special field on the collection process main page.
Control Central Alert
These algorithms produce the alerts shown on the Alert Zone. Additionally, system-generated alerts can be show on the alert zone if enabled. (See the Alert Zone for more information and the list of system-generated alerts.)
Credit Rating ‘Created By’ Information
The data that appears in the credit rating "created by" information is constructed using this algorithm.
Refer to Account - C&C for more information about the credit rating.
Credit Rating History Information
We use the term Credit Rating History information to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a credit rating history entry.
Plug an algorithm into this spot to override the system default "credit rating history information".
Digital Signature
This algorithm is only used if your organization generate and store digital signatures for each bill.
Refer to Digital Signatures for the details.
Document Number
If document numbers have been enabled on the installation record, this algorithm type assigns a document number to a bill or payment event.
Document Number Details
If document numbers have been enabled on the installation record, this algorithm type is responsible for returning the details used to construct the document number.
Determine Open Item Bill Amounts
Required if you use overdue functionality to collect on bills
This algorithm is responsible for determining the unpaid amount of an open-item bill. It can also be used to return the unpaid amount for a specific SA on a bill.
Document Sequence Number
If document numbers have been enabled on the installation record, this algorithm type is responsible for generating document sequence number only.
FA Additional Information
This algorithm displays additional information related to a field activity in a special field called Additional Info on the field activity main page.
For example, contact information linked to the field activity's field order may be displayed.
FA Information
We use the term FA information to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a field activity. The data that appears in "FA information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Item Information
Required if you have items
We use the term "Item info" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe an item. The data that appears in "Item info" is constructed using this algorithm.
Meter Information
Required if you have meters
We use the term "Meter info" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a meter. The data that appears in "Meter info" is constructed using this algorithm.
Meter Read High Low Limits
This algorithm is executed to calculate high and low limits for high / low check when a meter read is added to the system (whether through a batch upload or online).
Online Bill Display
This algorithm constructs a PDF that contains the image of a bill. This algorithm is executed when the Display Bill button is clicked on the Bill page. Refer to Technical Implementation of Online Bill Display for more information.
Online Field Order Display
This algorithm constructs a PDF that contains the image of a field order. This algorithm is executed when the Display Field Order button is pressed on the Field Order page. Refer to Technical Implementation of Online Field Order Display for more information.
Online Letter Display
This algorithm constructs a PDF that contains the image of a letter. This algorithm is executed when the Display Letter button is pressed on Customer Contact - Main. Refer to Technical Implementation of Online Letter Display for more information.
Online Quote Display
This algorithm constructs a PDF that contains the image of a quote. This algorithm is executed when the Display Quote button is pressed on Quote - Main. Refer to Technical Implementation of Online Quote Display for more information.
Online Statement Display
This algorithm constructs a PDF that contains the image of a statement. This algorithm is executed when the Display Statement button is pressed on Statement - Main. Refer to Technical Implementation of Online Statement Display for more information.
Override Proration Factors
This algorithm is only used if your organization has unusual rate proration requirements that necessitate the overriding of the base package proration logic. For example, you may have certain calculation rules whose charges should never be prorated. Refer to Overriding Proration Factors for more information.
Override Seasonal Proration
This algorithm is only used if your organization has unusual method of determining the seasons for your calculation rules. For example, you may determine the seasonal boundaries for a calculation rule based on the scheduled meter read date associated with the bill cycle.
Payment Amount Calculation
This algorithm is executed to calculate the amount of an automatic payment for a bill for an account with an active auto pay option. Refer to How And When Are Automatic Payments Created for more information on automatic payments. This algorithm is also executed to default the amount of a manually added payment. Refer to How To Add A New Payment Event for more information on adding a payment manually.
Payment Event Information
We use the term "payment event information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a payment. The data that appears in "payment information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Payment Information
We use the term "payment information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a payment. The data that appears in "payment information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Person Information
In most parts of the system, a person's Main name is displayed to describe a person. However, several transactions do not use this method. Rather, these transactions call the algorithm that's plugged into this spot to construct the person's name. Refer to the description of the Alternate Representation flag on the Main tab for a list of these transactions and for the rationale behind this algorithm.
Person Name Format
The format of names entered on Person - Main and Order - Main is validated using this algorithm.
Premise Information
We use the term "premise info" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a premise. The data that appears in "premise info" is constructed using this algorithm.
SA Information
We use the term "SA information" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a service agreement. The data that appears in "SA information" is constructed using this algorithm.
Plug an algorithm into this spot to override the system default "SA information".
Note: This algorithm may be further overridden by an "SA information" plug-in on the SA Type. Refer to SA Type - Algorithms for how algorithms of this type are used.
Severance Process Cancellation
This algorithm is executed to perform additional processing when the system cancels a severance process.
Note: This algorithm is executed before the Severance Process Template - Post Cancel Algorithm is executed. Canceling a severance process on-line manually does not execute this algorithm.
SP Information
We use the term "SP info" to describe the basic information that appears throughout the system to describe a service point. The data that appears in "SP info" is constructed using this algorithm.