Approval Requests Manage And Audit The Approval Process
Users submit an adjustment for approval using a dedicated button on the Adjustment page. When an adjustment is submitted for approval, the system creates an "approval request". The approval request determines if the adjustment requires approval and, if so, the list of approvers. If the adjustment does not require approval, the approval request is updated to indicate such and the adjustment is Frozen immediately (if freezing is allowed prior to bill completion). If the adjustment requires approval, the approval request's state becomes Approval In Progress and the approver(s) are notified.
Approval submission logic is customizable. The previous paragraph describes how the base-package works when an adjustment is submitted for approval. This logic resides in an algorithm that's plugged in on the C1-AdjustmentApprovalProfile business object in the Determine Approval Requirements system event. Your implementation can change this logic by developing a new algorithm and plugging it into this business object. If your logic is meant to supersede the base-package algorithm, remember to inactivate the base-package algorithm by adding an appropriate inactivation option to this business object.