Calculation Rules to Charge VAT and CCL
Four additional calculation rules are required to charge for VAT and CCL on non-domestic rates:
Calculate standard rate VAT
Calculation Rule Type= Apply VAT to Cross Referenced Charges
VAT Calculation Type = Standard Rate
Specify the De Minimis Characteristic Type
Specify Declaration Percentage Threshold Bill Factor
Specify Value Source. It is recommended that you use a value source of Bill Factor and reference the bill factor you set up for standard rate VAT.
Note that the calculation rule overrides description on bill
Cross-reference the calculation line category for energy related charges that are subject to VAT
Calculate reduced rate VAT
Calculation Rule Type = Apply VAT to Cross Referenced Charges
VAT Calculation Type = Reduced Rate
Specify the De Minimis Characteristic Type
Specify Declaration Percentage Threshold Bill Factor
Specify Value Source. It is recommended that you use a value source of Bill Factor and reference the bill factor you set up for standard rate VAT.
Note that the calculation rule overrides description on bill
Cross-reference the calculation line category for energy related charges that are subject to VAT
Calculate CCL and CCL Relief
Calculation Rule Type = Calculate Climate Change Levy and Relief Charges
UOM/TOU/SQI = the identifier of the service quantity that the prices applies to
Specify Value Source. It is recommended that you use a value source of Bill Factor and reference the bill factor you set up for standard rate VAT.
Note that the calculation rule overrides description on bill
Calculation Rule Type = Apply To
Value type = Percentage
Specify Value Source. It is recommended that you use a value source of Bill Factor and reference the bill factor you set up for standard rate VAT.
Cross-reference the calculation line category for the total CCL and CCL Relief related charges
Setting up the calculation rules as above produces separate lines for VAT on energy related charges and on CCL (i.e., lines will be created for standard rate VAT on energy related charges, reduced rate VAT on energy related charges, and standard rate VAT on CCL charges).
You can set up rates to calculate standard rate VAT on energy related charges and CCL together as follows:
Calculate standard rate VAT charges
Calculation Rule Type = Apply VAT to Cross Referenced Charges
FCPO = Yes
VAT Calculation Type = Standard Rate
Specify the De Minimis Characteristic Type
Specify Declaration Percentage Threshold Bill Factor
Value Source = Value
Value = 100
Note that the calculation rule overrides description on bill
Cross-reference the calculation line category for energy related charges that are subject to VAT
Calculate CCL and CCL Relief
Calculation Rule Type = Calculate Climate Change Levy and Relief Charges
UOM/TOU/SQI = the identifier of the service quantity that the prices applies to
Specify Value Source. It is recommended that you use a value source of Bill Factor and reference the bill factor you set up for standard rate VAT.
Note that the calculation rule overrides description on bill
Calculate standard rate VAT
Calculation Rule Type = Apply To
Value type = Percentage
Specify Value Source. It is recommended that you use a value source of Bill Factor and reference the bill factor you set up for standard rate VAT.
Cross-reference the calculation line category for the total CCL and CCL Relief related charges
Calculate reduced rate VAT:
Calculation Rule Type = Apply VAT to Cross Referenced Charges
VAT Calculation Type = Reduced Rate
Specify the De Minimis Characteristic Type
Specify Declaration Percentage Threshold Bill Factor
Specify Value Source. It is recommended that you use a value source of Bill Factor and reference the bill factor you set up for standard rate VAT.
Note that the calculation rule overrides description on bill
Cross-reference the calculation line category for energy related charges that are subject to VAT