FTs Whose GL Details All Reference The Same Fund Do Not Impact the General Fund or EPC Accounts
In Fund Accounting Example, where the bill's bill segments reference a single fund, the system creates a fund-balancing GL entry for each GL entry applied to a departmental fund:
A debit to a departmental GL account triggers a debit to the general fund's liability-to-departmental-fund account and a credit to the departmental fund's equity-in-pending-cash account.
A credit to a departmental GL account triggers a credit to the general fund's liability-to-departmental-fund account and a debit to the departmental fund's equity-in-cash account.
The net effect on the individual equity-in-cash and general fund's liability accounts is zero because the debits and credits net to zero for each GL account. In other words, the yellow boxes net to zero and therefore fund accounting does not impact the bill segment's financial transactions. Refer to Fund Accounting Example for the resulting consolidated GL entries.