Payments Are Matched To Debit Credit FTs
While the above discussion dealt with the typical situation where the payment's credit FT's are matched against a bill's debit FT's, we want to note that a payment's FT's may be matched against debit and credit FT's. Consider the following example:
Notice that:
The $2,900 payment is distributed amongst two service agreements (electricity and gas).
The FT's to which the payment segments are matched are both debit and credit FT's. Notice that the debit FT's (the bill segments) and the credit FT (the adjustment) sum to $2,900.
Credits may result in a situation where the total amount on a bill for an SA is negative. This would be the case if in the above example the credit adjustment were for $-1600 resulting in the total amount for the Gas SA on this bill to be $-100 (credit). Assume a full payment of $1400 is made towards this bill. The Bill ID Match Type Algorithm first allocates negative payment amounts to any SA credit amount on the bill being paid. It then carries over the credit amount to pay off other bill amounts. In this example, a "negative" payment segment is created to match the $-100 credit of the Gas SA. Using the carried over credit a $1500 payment segment is created to match the $1500 debit of the Electric SA.