Setting Up Match Types
Most payments are distributed amongst service agreements using the payment distribution algorithm specified on the payment's account's customer class. This algorithm decides how to distribute a payment amongst an account's existing debt if the customer doesn't specify how the payment should be distributed.
A customer can specify how a payment is distributed by specifying a match type and match value on their payments. Consider the following examples:
Customers that are subject to open-item accounting (this is defined on the account's customer class) tell the system exactly which debt is covered by their payments. For example, an open-item customer might make a payment in respect of bill ID 123919101919.
Even non open-item customers can direct payments to specific SAs. For example, the system allows a balance-forward customer's payment to be directed to a specific service agreement (however, they cannot direct payments to specific bills as only open-item customers can do this).
Match types are used to define the specific type of debt that is covered by a payment. The match type contains the algorithm that effectively overrides the standard payment distribution algorithm defined on the account's customer class.
Background information. Please refer to Payments And Match Events and Match Type Setup for more information about how match types are used.
To set up match types, select Admin > Financial > Match Type.
Description of Page
Enter an easily recognizable Match Type and Description.
Define the Pay Dist Override Algorithm used to distribute payments that reference this match type. If you haven't done so already, you must set up this algorithm in the system. To do this:
Create a new algorithm (refer to Setting Up Algorithms ).
On this algorithm, reference an Algorithm Type that overrides the normal payment distribution algorithm.