Setting Up Non-Cash Deposit Types
Non-cash deposit types are used to indicate the type of monetary instrument used for non-cash deposits. Refer to Non-Cash Deposits for more information.
To define your non-cash deposit types, select Admin > Credit & Collection > Non-Cash Deposit Type.
Description of Page
To modify a non-cash deposit type, move to a field and change its value.
To add a new non-cash deposit type, insert a row, then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:
Non-Cash Deposit Type The unique identifier of the non-cash deposit type.
Description The description of the non-cash deposit type.
Review Before Expiration This switch indicates if the system will create a To Do entry when non-cash deposits of this type are close to expiration.
Third Party Deposit This switch indicates if the system requires a reference to a 3rd party's deposit service agreement for this type of non-cash deposit. Refer to 3rd Party Deposits for more information.