Setting Up Order Feature Configurations
Defining a feature configuration with a feature type of Order Configuration can increase performance of the Order page when campaigns have a large number of packages or criteria. Open Admin > Feature Configuration > Add to define a configuration for the feature type Order Configuration.
Only one. The system expects only one order configuration feature configuration to be defined.
Description of Page
The following points describe the various Option Types that may be defined:
Eligibility Tree - Suppress Error Packages node. Select this option type and define a value if you would like the Order Eligibility Tree to suppress the node that contains packages with errors in their eligibility criteria. This is an optional setting. If the option type is not defined, the error packages node is displayed, if applicable.
Eligibility Tree - Suppress Ineligible Packages node. Select this option type and define a value if you would like the Order Eligibility Tree to suppress the node that contains packages that are not applicable to the customer based on the eligibility criteria. This is an optional setting. If the option type is not defined, the ineligible packages node is displayed, if applicable.
Eligibility Tree - Suppress Other Campaigns node. Select this option type and define a value if you would like the Order Eligibility Tree to suppress the node that contains other eligible campaigns. This is an optional setting. If the option type is not defined, the other campaigns node is displayed, if applicable.