Appointment Page User Exit
The base product appointment page provides java user exit code that is invoked when the dispatch group is associated with an external system (i.e., it references a feature configuration). The user exit code does the following:
It determines the service provider
It finds the NDS types that are associated with the following notification download condition flags:
Get Available Appointments. This is passed to the engine to retrieve the available appointments
Appointment Book. This is passed to the engine to book an appointment real time.
Appointment Book - Near Real Time. This is passed to the engine to book an appointment in near real time.
Appointment Cancel. This is passed to the engine to cancel an appointment real time.
Appointment Cancel - Near Real Time. This is passed to the engine to cancel an appointment in near real time.
It invokes the Appointment Java Class Interface defined on the external system's feature configuration options passing all the data available on the page service.
Implementation specific business logic. The intention is that any unique business logic required to interact with your implementation's external system is encapsulated in the appointment java class interface plugged in on your feature configuration options. However, if your implementation has unique logic that must be coded in the java user exit on the appointment page, that code may also be replaced by implementation specific appointment page user exit code.