Cutting Unbadged Item Service Due To Nonpayment
The following matrix is representative of how an item-based SP type's field activity type profile would look. The following points describe the rows, columns and cells in the matrix:
The customer events represent the three C&C-oriented field activities that may take place at the service point.
Disconnect warning is the event that warns the customer of imminent severance if payment is not received.
Cut for non-payment is the event that causes service to be severed due to non-payment.
Reconnect is the event that takes place when a service point is reconnected because payment was received after service was cut.
The SP conditions represent the state of service at a service point. The following conditions are represented:
Notice that the SP Conditions always indicate "No Device". This is because a device (i.e., a meter or badged item) cannot be installed at this type of service point.
The source of service (the line or pipe) is either connected to the service point or disconnected.
If the source is disconnected, define a field activity for each potential disconnect location.
Each cell in the matrix represents a field activity to be created by the system for the combination of customer event and service point condition.
SP Condition
Customer Event:
Disconnect Warning
Customer Event:
Cut For Non-Payment
Customer Event:
No Device / SP Connected
Parking lot disconnect warning
Cut parking lot service
Reconnect parking lot service
No Device / SP Disconnected at pole
N/A - service is off
N/A - service is off
Reconnect parking lot service