Extract FA Information
When XAI processes the outgoing messages generated by the sample FA integration algorithm, it builds the XML request by calling the service referenced on the NDS type's XAI inbound service.
The base product provides a service, called CIPOEFIP, which extracts field activity information along with information related to the service point, meter, item, premise and account for the field activity (if applicable). If this service does not provide the functionality required by your implementation, you may create your own version using this one as a basis.
Note that this service defines an input parameter to exclude Financial Information. You can set this to Yes to avoid the account financial information (see below).
The following tables list the data that is extracted.
FA Type information
All fields in the main FA Type table and the corresponding language table
FA Type Characteristics
FA Information
All fields in the main Field Activity table
Status description
Cancellation Reason description
FA Steps collection
FA Characteristics. Note the service limits the number of field activity characteristics that it extracts. It only extracts the first 100.
Appointment information
SP Type information
All fields in the main SP Type table and the corresponding language table
SP Type Characteristics
SP Information
All fields in the main Service Point table
Status description
Source Status description
Disconnect Location description
SP Location description
Facility Level 1, 2 and 3 descriptions
SP Operation Area and Description for the FA type's field service class
SP Multi-Item collection
SP Equipment collection
SP Characteristics
SP Geographic Data
SP Operation Area collection
Premise Information
All fields in the main Premise table
Premise Type description
MR Warning description
MR Instructions description
Life Support/Sensitive Load flag description
Alternate Address collection
Landlord Agreement Description
Name of Landlord's main person
Phone Number collection of Landlord's main person
Premise Characteristics
Premise Geographic Data
Meter Information for the meter currently installed at the Service Point (if applicable)
All fields in the main Meter table
Meter Type description
Meter Status description
Manufacturer description
Model description
Meter Id collection
Meter Characteristics
Meter Equipment collection
Meter Configuration Information for the meter currently installed at the Service Point (if applicable)
All fields in the main Meter Configuration table
Meter Installation Date/Time
Calculated High / Low limit for the meter on the FA schedule date
Item Information for the badged item currently installed at the Service Point (if applicable)
All fields in the main Item table
Item Type description
Item Status description
Manufacturer description
Model description
Item Characteristics
Item Equipment collection
SA Information for the first two Service Agreements found for the service point
CIS Division / SA Type
Account ID
SA Status
Start Date / End Date
Customer Read Flag
Rate Schedule
SA / SP collection
Customer Information for the account(s) linked to the above service agreements
All fields in the main Account table
Person ID of the main person
Name of the main person
Person / Business flag for the main person
Life Support / Sensitive Load flag, flag Description and Description for the main person
Phone Number collection for main person. Note, this information may be overridden if a phone number is entered on the field activity.
The following financial information is not extracted if the input Exclude Financial Information is set to Yes.
Credit Rating Points. Calculated from the Beginning Credit Rating on the Installation Record or the account’s CIS Division and CR_​RATING_​PTS from CI_​ACCT_​CR_​R_​VW
Cash Only Points. Cash Only Points. Calculated from the Beginning Cash-Only Score on the Installation Record or the account’s CIS Division and CASH_​ONLY_​PTS from CI_​ACCT_​CR_​R_​VW
Current Amount (calculated from FT information)
Payoff Amount (calculated from FT information)
Disputed Amount (calculated from FT information)
Arrears Information: Disputed Amount, New Charges, 30 days old, 60 days old, 90 days old
Count of the number of bills generated in the last 6 Months
For each bill:
Bill ID
Bill Date
Bill Amount
Meter Read information for the last Bill
All fields in the main Meter Read table
Register Read collection
Count of the number of payments generated in the last 6 Months
For each payment:
Payment ID
Payment Event ID
Payment Date
Payment Amount
Cancel Reason and its Description