Field Activity Type - FA Completion Control
Open Admin > Field Work > Field Activity Type > Search and then navigate to the FA Completion Control page to define special functions that should be executed when a field activity is completed.
Description of Page
These algorithms are optional. The use of completion algorithms on a field activity type is optional. You would only use them if you have special functions that should be executed when a given field activity type is completed. Read the information below for examples.
The Field Activity Completion Controls tab is used when an algorithm should be executed when a field activity is completed. For example, if a charge should be levied when a certain type of activity is completed, you would indicate the "levy adjustment" algorithm should be executed. The type of algorithm may differ based on the CIS division in which the service point's premise is located. The following fields must be defined:
CIS Division Defines the division associated for which the algorithm will be executed. The system will only execute the algorithm when a field activity is performed at a service point whose premise is governed by the division.
FA Completion Algorithm Defines the algorithm that will be executed when a field activity is performed at a service point whose premise is governed by the associated division.