Collection Class Control - Debt Criteria
The information on this page defines the debt and age thresholds used by the Account Debt Monitor when it checks if an account has violated your acceptable levels of debt. Open Admin > Credit & Collection > Collection Class Control > Search and navigate to the Debt Criteria page to define this information.
The information on this page is not intuitively obvious. Refer to Designing Collection Class Controls and Designing Your Collection Class Control Overrides for more information.
Description of Page
The Debt Criteria scroll contains an entry for each collection criteria algorithm defined on the Main tab. The following information appears
The Collection Condition Priority controls the order in which the Account Debt Monitor (ADM) checks if a collection condition applies. Higher priorities are checked before lower priorities.
The Condition Algorithm is called by the ADM to determine which collection criteria should be applied to the account's debt. If this algorithm returns a value of true (i.e., the condition is met), the ADM will compare the account's debt against the Debt Criteria defined below. If the account violates any criteria, a collection process will be started (using the respective Collection Process Template).
The grid that follows contains the debt age and amount of debt that must be violated by the account in order for the ADM to create a collection process template. The following fields should be defined:
Arrears Priority controls the order in which the arrears criteria will be checked by the Account Debt Monitor (the lower the number, the higher the priority). The first criteria, if any, that is met will cause a collection process to be created (using the Collection Process Template).
The values for this field are customizable using the Lookup table. This field name is CRIT_​PRIO_​FLG. Be aware that this field is used for multiple tables: Collection Class Control, Severance Criteria, Write Off Control, and Workflow Process Profiles .
Collection Process Template If the Account Debt Monitor determines that the account's debt violates the corresponding criteria, it creates a collection process using the specified collection process template.
Arrears Amount When the Account Debt Monitor checks an account's debt, it determines if the account has debt older than "> Number of Days" (the next field) AND the debt exceeds "> Arrears Amount". If so, a collection process is started.
Days When the Account Debt Monitor checks an account's debt, it determines if the account has debt older than Days AND the debt exceeds Arrears Amount. If so, a collection process is started.
Where Used
Collection class controls contains the data that controls the Account Debt Monitor.