Setting Up Severance Process Templates
Severance process templates define the severance events that will be executed when a service agreement is severed. Open Admin > Credit & Collection > Severance Process Template > Add to define your severance process templates.
Description of Page
Enter a unique Severance Process Template and Description for the severance process template.
If severance processes of this type should be automatically canceled when the customer pays the collection amount on the severance, turn on Auto Cancel. This switch would typically only be turned off for severance processes used to reconnect a cut service because you don't want such a reconnection process to be canceled when a payment is made. Refer to Designing Your Reconnection Procedures for more information.
In addition to turning on the Auto Cancel switch, specify a Cancel Criteria Algorithm if your organization allows a severance process to be cancelled regardless of the debt associated with all service agreements in the debt class. In other words, if your cancel criteria are based on the debt associated with ALL service agreements in a debt class DO NOT SPECIFY THIS ALGORITHM.
If the Cancel Criteria Algorithm is specified, it is executed when a credit is posted to the service agreement associated with a severance process. This algorithm will indicate if the service agreement no longer has debt that warrants a severance process. Refer to How Are Severance Processes Cancelled for more information. If you haven't done so already, you must set up this algorithm in the system. To do this, create a new algorithm (refer to Setting Up Algorithms). On this algorithm, reference an Algorithm Type that cancels a severance process if the service agreement's debt so warrants.
If you wish to perform any special processes after a severance process is canceled, specify a Post Cancel Algorithm. This can be used to start a reconnection in case the severance process was canceled too late to stop the disconnection. If you haven't done so already, you must set up this algorithm in the system. To do this, create a new algorithm (refer to Setting Up Algorithms). On this algorithm, reference an Algorithm Type that cancels a severance process if the service agreement's debt so warrants.
When a service agreement is to be severed due to non-payment, the system creates a severance process and links to it one or more severance events based on the Event Types entered here. The information in the scroll defines these events and the date on which they will be triggered. The following fields are required for each event:
Event Sequence controls the order in which the severance event types appear under the severance process template. The sequence number is system-assigned and cannot be changed. If you have to insert a severance event type between two existing templates, you'll have to remove the latter events, insert the new event, and then re-specify the removed events.
Severance Event Type Specify the type of severance event to be generated.
Dependent On Other Events Turn this indicator on if the trigger date of the event can only be determined after earlier events are complete. For example, you would turn this switch on for the event that initiates the field activity to disconnect service. Why? Because you only want to disconnect service after the preceding event that warned the client of impending disconnection is complete.
Days After Prev Response Specify the number of days after the completion / cancellation of the dependent events on which the severance event will be triggered. If this event is not dependent on the completion of other events, this field contains the number of days after the creation of the severance process that the related severance event will be triggered. Refer to Severance Event Dependencies and Trigger Date and Calendar vs Work Days for a description of how the system uses this information to set the trigger date on the respective severance events.
When the Dependent On Other Events switch is on, use the grid to define the events on which this event is dependent. If multiple events are specified in the grid, all such events must be completed or cancelled before the event will be triggered.
Sequence is system-assigned and cannot be specified or changed.
Dependent On Sequence Specify the sequence number of the severance event on which the above severance event depends.
For more information about severance event types, see Setting Up Severance Event Types. For more information about trigger dates, see Severance Event Dependencies & Trigger Date.