Setting Up Third Party Payors
Pay plans support optional third-party payors. Open Admin > Credit & Collection > Third Party Payor to define your third-party payors.
A third-party payor refers to an account. You must set up the account before you can create a third-party payor.
Refer to A Pay Plan May Reference A 3rd Party Payor for more information.
Description of Page
The following fields display for each third party payor:
Third Party Payor Provide a meaning id for the third-party payor that can be easily recognized when setting up a pay plan.
Description A meaningful description of the payor.
Account ID The account that is used for this payor. It is this account that is tracked as the "payee" of any payments made towards a third party payor's pay plan.
Active Check this box if the payor is currently available to participate in pay plans.