Designing Your TOU Map Types for TOU Mapping
Now that you have your TOU groups defined, you can begin defining TOU map types. Recall that the TOU map type defines the attributes that may be shared by TOU maps of the same type.
The essential attributes of any TOU Map Type are the interval sizes between TOU map data rows, associated TOU map template(s) to use, and whether the TOU data will follow any seasonal time shifting. Refer to Designing Your Time Options for more information.
TOU Map Type Interval Size
The interval size of a TOU map must divide evenly into the interval size of the interval data curve that uses the map (because the system joins the date/time of the interval data curve values to the date/time of the TOU data). This means that it is possible to use a 15 minute TOU map with a 60 minute interval data curve. However, it is not OK to have a 60 minute TOU map used with a 15 minute interval data curve because the join will miss 3 out of 4 interval data curve values.
TOU Map Type Override Template
While most TOU maps will use the TOU map template defined on the TOU map type, TOU maps also support override templates. Refer to Designing Your TOU Map Templates for TOU Mapping for more information.
A TOU map's TOU map type defines the default TOU map template that's used to generate its TOU data.
A TOU map's type defines the TOU map templates that can be referenced on individual TOU maps to override the default template.
An individual TOU map can have override templates. If the TOU map doesn't have an override template, the default template defined on the TOU map type is used to generate the map's TOU data.
Refer to Creating TOU Map Types for further information.