Meter Type - Main
To define a meter type, open Admin > Meter Type > Add.
Description of Page
Enter an easily recognizable Meter Type and Description for the meter type.
Choose the Service Type associated with all meters of this type. Refer to Setting Up Service Types for more information.
Turn on Allow Duplicate Meter Badges if more than one meter of this type may have the same badge number.
Turn on Prepaid-Capable if meters of this type are used to record prepaid usage.
Turn on Allow Interval Registers if meters of this type may contain interval registers. Refer to The Big Picture of Raw Data Collection and Aggregation for more information.
Indicate in Track Location whether you Track or Do Not Track the location of meters of this type. Refer to The Big Picture of Asset Inventory for more information.
Use the Characteristic Values collection to define Characteristic Types and their respective Characteristic Values and Adhoc Values to describe characteristics common to all meters of this type. This grid supports all standard characteristic types (such as, Adhoc, Predefined, File Location, and Foreign Key) from the Meter Type Characteristics table.
You can only choose characteristic types defined as permissible on the meter type record.