Setting Up Component Test Types
If you organization records component test results, you must set up a component test type for each type of component test. Refer to A Device Test Records Test Results for more information about component test types.
Open Admin > Device > Device Test Component Type > Add to define the type of information that must be recorded on a component test of a given type.
When a new component test type is added. After adding a new component test type, you must define the device test types that make use of it.
Description of Page
Enter an easily recognizable Test Component Type and Description.
Turn on Meter Test if this type of component test is associated with a meter. If this type of component test is associated with an item, this switch should be off.
If Meter Test is on, turn on Register Required if a register must be referenced on component tests of this type. You would require a register if a) you keep component tests for individual registers, or b) if your component tests require the entry of register readings (as defined in the following grid).
The grid that follows defines the type of test results that are recorded.
Result Seq Result sequence controls the order in which the test results are captured.
Description Enter the prompt that is displayed for this type of test result.
Result Required Turn this switch on if a result must be specified on a test component of this type.
Validation Algorithm The validation algorithm controls how the test result is validated. Leave this field blank if no validation should be imposed.
Prompt For Read Turn on this switch if a user can enter a register read for this type of test result.