Setting Up Time-Of-Use Codes
You will only create time of use (TOU) codes if your meters measure consumption in respect of broad time bands. For example, some electric meters measure consumption in respect of WHEN the power was used - peak period, off peak period, or partial peak period.
If you have "time of use" meters, then you must create TOU codes for:
every TOU that is measured by your meters, and
every TOU in which your rates' prices are expressed.
Typically the measured TOU is the same as that in which the prices are expressed. However, there are instances where the TOU of the price is not measured directly by a meter's registers. A simple example is where the meter measures peak hours consumption and total consumption but there are prices in the rate for off peak consumption. In this situation, the peak hours consumption would have to be subtracted from the total consumption to derive off peak consumption. In this situation, you would need TOU codes for both peak (measured) and off-peak (derived) periods.
For more information about TOU's, refer to UOM versus TOU versus SQI .
Time-of-use codes will also be needed if your company offers interval billing with TOU mapping. Refer to Designing Your Time of Use Options for more information.
To define time-of-use codes, open Admin > Rates > Time of Use.
Description of Page
Enter a unique TOU code and Description for every time of use code.