Setting Up Trend Areas
When you set up a premise, you must define the consumption trend area in which it is located. This categorization matters when consumption trends differ across your service territory AND you want the system to estimate consumption in different areas differently.
This categorization does not have to be done in respect of classic geographic boundaries like cities and counties. Rather, trend areas may be based on economic factors, climatic conditions, or anything else related to geography that affects consumption.
A premise's trend area will default based on its postal code. See Setting Up Premise & Service Point Postal Defaults for more information.
To define trend areas, open Admin > Consumption > Trend Area.
Description of Page
Enter a unique Trend Area and Description for every trend area.
Define the Meter Read Estimate Algorithm that is used to estimate consumption for meters installed at premises associated with this trend area. If you haven't done so already, you must set up this algorithm in the system. To do this:
Create a new algorithm (refer to Setting Up Algorithms).
On this algorithm, reference an Algorithm Type that performs meter read estimation.