Summary Billed Accounts and Usage Requests
A "summary" account refers to an account with service agreements that cover more than one premise. If these premises are linked to service points that span different service cycle routes scheduled for reading on different dates, there's no guarantee that all the account's SAs will be billed at the same time. This is because batch billing for manually read meters is based on the meter's scheduled reading date.
For example, assume a summary account has two SAs each linked to a different premise. One is on route X, scheduled for reading every first of the month and the other is on route Y, scheduled for reading every 20th of the month. Assume that the account’s bill cycle is cycle X (which matches the schedule of premise/SP on route X). When billing runs on the first of the month, the service agreements tied to route Y won’t have any reads. And because route Y is not scheduled for reading, the system will not estimate the consumption. Instead, it will skip billing the route Y SAs until the next month. This means some SAs are always one billing cycle behind.
If your implementation maintains meters and meter reads in CCB, then the base get consumption algorithm called Get Consumption From SP's Linked To SA handles the skipping of a summary billed account's service agreements based on bill cycle and service cycle schedules. The remainder of this section describes how this works in a CCB-MDM integrated environment.