SA Type Segmentation
Every SP Type whose service points can be linked to a service agreement has one or more SA types. These define which type of service agreements can pay for the service point's service. If different service points have different valid SA types, you will need to split the SP types accordingly.
The SA Type segmentation of SP Types is the most complicated design decision you'll have to make. Unfortunately, the decision making process is subjective and iterative. The iterations are caused by the fact that the number of SA types is dependent on the number of SP types (and vice versa). We recommend the following to help work your way through this conundrum:
Design your SA types using the information in Defining Service Agreement Types.
Return to your SP types and determine if, given the proposed SA types, you can define a list of valid SA types for each SP type. If you find the population of SA types (and their valid rates) could result in invalid rates paying for service at a service point, divide your SA types further.