SP Type - Main
You begin to define a service point type by selecting Admin > Geographic > SP Type > Add.
You may find that your desire to use some of the more sophisticated control functions in the system will necessitate many SP types. For example, notice that one of the other windows on this group allows you to define the meter types that can be installed in service points of a given type. If you have many different types of meters and many restrictions as to the types of service points in which they can be installed, you will end up with many SP types.
Description of Page
Enter an easily recognizable SP Type for the service point type. This value will appear on many windows throughout your system as a "shorthand" for how the SP is used, so think carefully about the format. We recommend using a consistent format for all of your SP types. You should include the service type, an indication if it's metered or item-based, and the trend classification. For example, you might enter "E-M-RES", for an electric, metered, residential SP type.
Select the Service Type. Refer to Setting Up Service Types for more information.
Enter a Description.
Select the Sub Type to indicate the type of device that may be installed at service points of this type: Meter, Item, Unbadged.
Turn on the Allow Service Route switch if service points of this type should have a route. This switch would typically be turned on for metered service points.
Multiple Route Usage controls whether a service point can reference multiple service routes. Select Allowed if multiple service routes are allowed on service points of this type. Select Not Allowed if multiple service routes are not allowed on service points of this type. This switch would typically be turned on for garbage service points.
If this SP type is for metered service, select the Trend Class to define how to categorize this SP type's consumption for estimation and high / low validation purposes. This field will be gray for item-based services because items don't have meter reads that can be estimated or that are subject to high / low validation. Refer to Setting Up Trend Classes for more information.
If this SP type is for fieldwork that is managed by an external system, specify the external system in Fieldwork Orchestration.
If field activities are created for this SP type's service point, select the Field Activity Type Profile that controls which type of field activities may be linked to the service points. This Profile will also control which field activities are automatically generated by the system under various circumstances. Refer to Setting Up Field Activity Type Profiles for more information.
If a geographic type is used to identify individual service points of this SP type, select the Identifying Geographic Type used. You typically have an identifying geographic type if you refer to a service point using an identifier that is assigned by a third party. Refer to Defining Geographic Types for information on setting up geographic types.
Use the SP Type Characteristic collection and their respective Characteristic Values to describe characteristics common to all service points of this type. This grid supports all standard characteristic types (such as, Adhoc, Predefined, File Location, and Foreign Key) from the SP Type Characteristics table.
You can only choose characteristic types defined as permissible on an SP Type record. Refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types and Their Values for more information.