How Does An Account Get Its Bill Cycle?
Most accounts are created behind-the-scenes when a user uses the "add account" option on Person - Main Information. An account created like this doesn't have a bill cycle. Rather, it sits in limbo awaiting the activation of its first service agreement. When a service agreement is activated, the system populates the account's bill cycle using the following algorithm:
If an account's bill cycle is protected, the activation of a service agreement will not affect an account's bill cycle. Refer to Protecting An Account's Bill Cycle for more information.
If the service agreement being activated is for metered service, the account is given a bill cycle that will generate bills shortly after the service point is read. The route the system follows to get this bill cycle is a bit indirect:
A metered service agreement references one or more metered service points.
Every metered service point references a service cycle (the service cycle controls when the meter at the service point is read).
Every service cycle references a default bill cycle. It is this bill cycle that is populated on the account paying for service at the service point.
If the service agreement being activated is not metered, the system cannot populate the account's bill cycle because there is no service cycle from which to default the bill cycle. This means the account's bill cycle will be blank until a user specifies a bill cycle for the account (using the Account page).
A To Do entry highlights accounts without a bill cycle. A To Do entry highlights those accounts that require a user to specify a bill cycle. This entry is generated for accounts without a bill cycle that have active service agreements.
When the last service agreement linked to an account is stopped, the account's bill cycle will be changed so that the account will be final billed when billing next executes. Refer to What Happens At Finalization Time? for more information.
When a service point's service cycle is updated, and the account's bill cycle is not protected, the system automatically updates the account's bill cycle to be in sync with the service cycle. Note that this will only take place if the Allow Bill Cycle Synchronization Option Type on the General System Options Feature Configuration is set to Y.