Setting Up Service Cycle Schedules
The service cycle schedule defines when the service points in a given cycle are scheduled to be read. Open Admin > Consumption > Service Schedule > Search to maintain this information.
Refer to Designing Cycles for Metered Services for more information about service cycle. Refer to The Relationship Between Metered Service Cycles and Bill Cycles for more information about how service cycles are linked to bill cycles.
Description of Page
When you want to add a new service cycle schedule, you must specify the following information:
Service Cycle Enter the service cycle ID of the cycle whose routes will be downloaded.
Scheduled Selection Date Specify the date on which the system is meant to download information about the cycle's meters. This date should be a day or two before the scheduled work date.
Define the date the meters in the route are scheduled to be read using Scheduled Work Date. This date is extremely important as billing uses it when it looks for meter reads for service points in this cycle. If billing can't find a reading, consumption will be estimated as of this date (assuming the service agreement allows estimation).
Click Pre-Generate Routes if you need to finesse the cycle's routes on this Scheduled Selection Date (e.g., because some of the routes shouldn't be downloaded on a given date because the system is meant to estimate consumption). If you don't click this button, the system will create the routes on the scheduled selection date. It does this by creating a route extract for each downloadable route within the cycle (as defined by the route type). If you click this button, the system shows all routes within the cycle in the grid below. You must then define how the system is supposed to download each route on the scheduled selection date.
Click Delete Routes if you have pre-generated the routes and you was to remove them and allow the system to create the routes on the scheduled selection date.
Use the Service Schedule Routes to define how individual routes within the cycle should be handled during the download. The following fields are required for each schedule read date:
Service Route The unique ID of the service route. The route's route type is displayed adjacent.
Schedule Type This defines if and how the system is supposed to download the route's meter reads. Valid values are: Cust Read, Download, Estimate. Only those routes defined as Download will have meter reads downloaded. The other values are used to document why the route won't be downloaded.
Schedule Status This defines the download status of the route. Valid values are Pending and Complete. This value is only displayed for routes with a schedule type of Download.
Where Used
This information is used by the meter read download process to determine which meter reads to download.
This information is used by the billing process to determine the date on which it expects to find a read. If it cannot find a read on or around this date, and it's OK to estimate consumption, consumption will be estimated as of the scheduled work date. The system uses the service agreement's rate schedule's frequency to determine the period of time around the scheduled work date in which it looks for a read. Refer to Defining Frequency Codes for more information.