Setting Up Statement Cycles
A Statement Construct references a statement cycle. The statement cycle defines when the statement person will receive statements with financial information related to the accounts and service agreements linked to the statement construct. To define a statement cycle and its statement cycle schedule, open Admin > Billing > Statement Cycle > Add.
Description of Page
Enter a unique Statement Cycle and Description for every statement cycle.
Use the Statement Cycle Schedule collection to define when statements are produced for the persons with statement construct records in the given statement cycle. The following fields are required for each instance:
Processing Date Specify the date on which the system should create statements for persons with statement construct records in the cycle.
Status Indicates the status of the cycle schedule. Refer to Lifecycle of a Statement Cycle Schedule for more information.
The batch statement creation process uses this schedule to determine which statement cycles for it should create statements for the statement construct records. Refer to Create Statements Background Process for more information.