SA Type - Contract Option Type
Open Admin > Customer > SA Type > Search and navigate to the Contract Option Type page to define the contract option types, which are valid for service agreements of a given type.
This tab may not appear. This tab is suppressed if the interval billing Complex Billing module is turned on, or the service agreement type specifies that bill determinants are required for billing within the SA Type - Billing tab.
Contract Options are used by the system to define special options under which certain calculations supporting a contract's rate may be overridden or altered occasionally for specific periods of time. Refer to Contract Option Background Topics for more information.
Description of Page
If the SA Type's special role is Interval, you may define the Contract Option Types that are valid for contract options linked to a service agreement of this type.
For more information, refer to Setting Up Contract Option Types.
Where Used
This information is used to validate the contract options linked to the service agreement. Refer to Service Agreement - Contract Options for more information.