SA Type - Detail
Open Admin > Customer > SA Type > Search and navigate to the Detail page to define additional details about a given SA type.
Description of Page
Turn on Display As Alert if Control Central should display an alert if an account has a service agreement of this type that isn't Closed or Canceled. If this switch is on, also enter the Alert Information to appear on Control Central. We recommend only using this feature on unusual SA types (e.g., payment arrangements, write-offs) so that a CSR is not presented with an alert for every SA type.
If this SA Type is used for any of the Special Roles, defined in the dropdown, indicate which one. Valid values are: Billable Charge, Cash Deposit, Interval, Loan, Non-Billed Budget, Payment Arrangement, Write Off, Bill Determinants Required. This information is used on windows with functionality that can only be used by service agreements used for specific roles. For example, the Billable Charge window group can only reference Billable Charge service agreements.
If Special Role is Cash Deposit, you must define the Deposit Class of the deposit. You should also define a Deposit Class on every SA type to which a given deposit can be distributed.
Refer to What Do Deposit Classes Do? for more information.
If the Special Role is Loan, you must also define the following fields:
Use the Interest Bill Factor to define the bill factor code for the loan interest rate.
Use Override Interest to indicate whether the interest rate defined on the interest bill factor may be overridden at the SA level. If you select Allowed, the interest rate may be overridden by a contract value on a start option or the SA.
Use the Loan A/R Distribution Code to define the distribution code to be used when posting the short-term receivable amount to the general ledger (the normal distribution code is used for the long-term receivable). If the normal distribution code is the same as the Loan A/R Distribution Code, the SA type does not differentiate between long- and short-term receivables. If the two distribution codes are different, the SA type differentiates between long- and short-term receivables.
Refer to Defining Loan Options for more information about Interest Bill Factor, Override Interest and Loan A/R Distribution Code.
If the Special Role is Non-Billed Budget , you must also define the following:
Use Adjustment Type (Xfer) to specify the type of adjustment used to the transfer accumulated credit from the Non-Billed Budget SA to the SAs covered by the Non-Billed Budget when the account is billed or the Non-Billed Budget SA is stopped.
Use the Non-Billed Budget Monitoring to specify whether the Non-Billed Budget is monitored by the account debt monitor.
If the SA type is defined as Eligible for Non-billed Budget, you must also define the following:
Use Adjustment Type (Current=0) to specify the type of adjustment used to set the service agreement's current balance to zero when a service agreement of this type is linked to an active, monitored Non-Billed Budget.
If the Special Role is Payment Arrangement and you have not enabled Use Alternate PA Creation Logic, you must also define two adjustment types:
Use Adjustment Type (Xfer) to specify the type of adjustment used to transfer funds from the delinquent service agreements to the payment arrangement service agreement.
Set Use Alternate PA Creation Logic if your payment arrangement SA Types share a debt class with other SA Types. When this is set, the current balance on the transfer adjustment on the payment arrangement SA is set to zero instead of using the below adjustment type to set the current balance to zero. When payment arrangements are in their own debt class, the additional credit adjustment offsets the transfer adjustment. This results in an offsetting credit and debit in the payment arrangement debt class and a single credit on the non-payment arrangement debt class. However, when a single debt class is used, the two credits inaccurately impact the way debt age (arrears) is calculated and presented. Using the alternate PA creation logic ensures that debt age is calculated and displayed accurately when a single debt class is used.
Use Adjustment Type (Current=0) to specify the type of adjustment used to set the payment arrangement's current balance to zero after funds have been transferred.
If the Special Role is Write Off, you must also define the following adjustment types:
Use Adjustment Type (Xfer) to specify the type of adjustment used to transfer funds from the uncollectable service agreements to the write off service agreement.
It may be important to your organization to track the original source of debt that is being written off.  The system is delivered with three characteristic types: C1-WODST, C1-WOCHT, and C1-WOCHV that can record the distribution code, characteristic type and characteristic value from the FT GL(s) being written off onto the write off adjustment. To enable this logic, specify these characteristic types as allowable characteristic types on your write off transfer adjustment type.
If the Prepay Option is Prepaid Smart Meter, you must also define two adjustment types:
Use Adjustment Type (Xfer) to specify the type of adjustment used to transfer funds from the delinquent service agreements to the prepaid service agreement.
Use Adjustment Type (Current=0) to specify the type of adjustment used to set the prepaid current balance to zero after debt has been transferred.
You must specify adjustment type profiles on the SA type (on the Adjustment Type window) before adjustment types will appear in the above drop downs.
The Stop Option can be used to automatically stop a service agreement when all other service agreements of an account are stopped. Valid values are: Automatically Stop SA. When all service point related service agreements of an account are stopped then all additional service agreements where the Stop Option is set to Automatically Stop SA will also be stopped. This is useful, for example, with charitable contribution service agreements. The charity service agreement should be stopped when all utility related services are stopped.
Refer to The Lifecycle of a Service Agreement for more information on the Stop Option.
Turn on One Time Charge if this SA type is used for one-time invoices. When a one-time invoice service agreement is created, the system sets the stop date of the SA to be equal to the start date.
Turn on Sub SA if this SA type is used to define the business rules for sub service agreements.
Refer to Sub Service Agreements for more information about sub service agreements.
Renewal of SAs of this type may be Optional, Not Allowed or Required depending on your business processes. If renewal is not allowed, the SA expires on the expiration date. Renewal treatment is an important consideration for SAs that require an expiration date, such as non-billed budget SAs.
If renewal is required or optional, specify the Days Before Expiration for Renewal. Note that currently this is only used by Non-Billed Budgets to calculate the renewal date based on the expiration date.
If the Special Role is Non-billed Budget, Non-Billed Budget Monitoring must indicate whether the Non-Billed Budget is monitored by the account debt monitor.
Refer to Credit and Collections and Non-Billed Budgets for more information about monitoring Non-Billed Budgets.
Set Eligible for Payment Arrangement to Eligible if this SA type can be included in a payment arrangement.
This is automatically set to Ineligible on SA types with a Special Role of Payment Arrangement.
Where Used
The alert information is used by Control Central to alert a CSR when unusual service agreements exist for an account. Refer to Control Central - Search for more information.
Only SA types designated as being Billable Charge may have billable charges linked to them. Refer to Maintaining Billable Charges for more information.
Only SA types designated as being Cash Deposit are processed by the various deposit-related background processes (e.g., interest calculation, automatic refund, etc.). Refer to The Big Picture Of Deposits for more information.
Only SA types designated as being Interval may define Contract Option Types, Profile Relationship Types and TOU Map Types. Refer to Designing Your SA Interval Billing Options for more information. This role also ensures that a service agreement of this type defines the cutoff time and start day option required by billing. Refer to Start and End Times for Billing for more information.
Only SA types designated as Loan are used to define the loan terms for a loan SA. Refer to Loans for more information.
Only SA types designated as Non-billed Budget may be used to set up Non-Billed Budgets. Refer to Non-Billed Budgets for more information.
Only SA types designated as being Payment Arrangement may be used on the payment arrangement window group. Refer to Setting Up Payment Arrangements for more information.
Only SA types designated as being Write Off may be specified as the write off SA type on distribution codes. Refer to Setting Up Distribution Codes for more information.
Only service agreements whose SA type is designated as being Write Off appear on the Write Off SAs query. Refer to Write Off - Write Off SAs for more information.