SA Type - Rate
Open Admin > Customer > SA Type > Search and navigate to the Rate page to define the rates that may be referenced on service agreements of a given type.
Description of Page
Turn on Rate Required if the bill segment creation algorithm for the SA type expects a rate schedule to be referenced on service agreements of this type.
For more information, refer to Rates .
Define the date that the system uses when selecting an effective-dated rate (from the service agreement's rate history) using the Rate Selection Date. Selecting Bill Start Date causes the system to use the rate effective on the first day of the bill segment's consumption period. Selecting Bill End Date causes the system to use the rate effective on the last day of the bill segment’s consumption period. Selecting Accounting Date causes the system to use the rate effective on the accounting date associated with the bill.
When a rate changes within a bill segment’s consumption period, and CCB and MDM are integrated, the period may be divided into separate usage periods – one for each active rate schedule during that period. The usage periods and their related consumption (or billable quantities) are then prepared for billing, and the rate schedule calculations are applied to their associated periods. 
This feature is possible if the MDM usage subscription type is configured with the base Dynamic Usage Group Determination algorithm, which determines the applicable usage group for each effective rate schedule. This algorithm requires that the CCB rate schedule has usage group extendable look-ups configured for the rate schedule and device configuration type combinations.
A typical use case is when there is a smart meter rollout in the middle of billing period and there are rate schedule changes that coincide with the meter exchange date.  The usage group that is tied to the old meter will have rules that calculate scalar consumption, and the usage group that is tied to the new meter will have rules that calculate interval consumption. The end result is that the customer is billed with scalar consumption for the period where old meter was installed, and billed with interval consumption for the period where new meter is installed.
If the Contract Management module is not turned off, which includes umbrella agreement management, indicate the Rate Source. Check SA Only indicates that the rate schedule currently in effect for the service agreement should always be used. Check TOS First, then SA indicates that if the service agreement is linked to a terms of service record, the service agreement's rate could be overridden by one linked to the terms of service record.
The information in the Rate Schedules collection defines the rates that may be referenced on service agreements of this type. The following fields are required for each SA Type:
Rate Schedule Specify the rate schedule; its description is displayed adjacent.
Use As Default Turn on this switch for the rate to be defaulted on new service agreements.