Start Option - Rate Info
Open Admin > Customer > SA Type Start Option > Search and navigate to the Rate Info page to define the start option's default values for contract riders and contract values.
Description of Page
The information in the Contract Riders collection defines the contract riders to be defaulted onto service agreements created using this start option. The following fields are required for each instance:
Bill Factor The bill factor defines the type of rider. You may only reference bill factors designated as being applicable for contract riders.
Number of Days The number of days the rider should be in effect. This value is used by the system to set the stop date on the service agreement's contract rider. If the rider has no expiration, set this field to 0. Default note: this field will be set to 0 if left blank.
For more information about a rate's contract riders, refer to Defining General Bill Factor Information . For more information about a service agreement's contract riders, refer to Service Agreement - Contract Riders.
The information in the Contract Values collection defines the contract values to be defaulted onto service agreements created using this start option. The following fields are required for each event:
Bill Factor The bill factor defines the type of value. You may only reference bill factors designated as allowing values in contract terms.
Number of Days The number of days the value should be in effect. This value is used by the system to set the stop date on the service agreement's contract value. If the value has no expiration, set this field to 0.
Value The amount of the contract value.
For more information about a rate's contract values, refer to Defining General Bill Factor Information . For more information about a service agreement's contract values, refer to Service Agreement - Contract Values.