Start Option Merge - Main
Open Admin > Customer > SA Type Start Option Merge.
Description of Page
Select the Original Start Option, which is the target for merging the start option collection information.
Select the Merge From Start Option, which is your template start option to copy the collections from.
You may only copy information from one Merge From start option at a time. If you wish to copy information from more than one start option, select the first Merge From start option, copy the desired records, Save, then select the next Merge From start option.
The left portion of the page will display any existing records in the collections for the original start option. The right portion of the page will display the existing records in the collections for the Merge From start option.
You may use the Copy All button to copy all the records in all the collections from the Merge From start option to the Original start option. If you do not choose to copy all, you may copy records individually as described below.
The left portion of the Contract Riders collection initially displays existing contract riders linked to the original start option. In the Merge Type, you will see the word Original, for any of these records. The Bill Factor and Number of Days for each contract rider is displayed. In the right portion of the collection, the existing records in the merge from start option are displayed initially.
The left portion of the Contract Values collection initially displays existing contract values linked to the original start option. In the Merge Type, you will see the word Original, for any of these records. The Bill Factor, Number of Days and Value for each contract value is displayed. In the right portion of the collection, the existing records in the merge from start option are displayed initially.
The topics, which follow, describe how to perform common maintenance tasks: