Defining a New Activity Request
To design a new ad-hoc batch job that users can submit via Sample and Submit, first create a new Activity Request Type business object. The base product BO for the activity type C1-NotifyExpiringCreditCardTyp may be used as a sample.
The business object for the activity request includes the functionality for selecting the records to process, displaying a preview map for the user to review and to perform the actual processing. The base product BO for the activity request C1-NotifyExpiringCreditCardReq may be used as a sample. The following points highlight the important configuration for this business object:
Special BO options are available for the activity request BOs to support the Preview Sample functionality.
Activity Request Preview Service Script. This script is responsible for retrieving the information displayed when a user asks for a preview of a sample of records.
Activity Request Preview Map. This is the map that is invoked to display the preview sample results.
The enter algorithm plugged into the Complete state is responsible for selecting all the records that satisfy the criteria and processing the records accordingly.