Example Using Aggregated Consumption
A customer, Fresh Foods has 10 stores each with its own account and electric service agreement, i.e., each store is billed separately. Fresh Food's head office decides to negotiate a group discount that applies to one or more of the individual stores.
In the following diagram, one store's account is shown.
Example Using Aggregated Consumption
Note the following:
An SA relationship is created for the energy SA covered by the negotiated terms.
The service provider in the relationship is the head office.
This relationship does not have a sub-SA because no additional billing services are provided for each individual covered service agreement.
Discounts are calculated using the head office discount service agreement and affect only this service agreement and therefore only the head office's account.
The master SA may have other deregulated relationships, such as the distribution relationship shown.
Aggregated consumption algorithm. In this scenario, the service provider's service agreement amalgamates the group's consumption and applies a rate to calculate the discount. This algorithm is not provided - you get to write this algorithm to meet your needs.