Pay At Bill Time vs. Pay At Pay Time
If you provide billing services for another service provider (i.e., the service provider has a billing relationship of We Bill For Them ), you will owe them money because you will be receiving money from their customers for their service. You have two options in respect of when the system increases the amount you owe the service provider:
You can tell the system to increase how much you owe the service provider when you freeze the customer's bill segment. Some people refer to this method as "purchasing the receivable from the service provider". We call this the Pay At Bill Time method.
You can tell the system to increase how much you owe the service provider only when you are paid for by the customer. We call this the Pay At Pay Time method.
The method used for a service provider is defined on the service provider's record.
Refer to When We Bill For Them, We Owe Them Money for more information.