Service Provider
Set up a service provider using the principal party of the negotiated discount. For example, if a head office negotiates a special agreement for its sites, you should set up a new service provider representing the head office.
Billing Relationship will depend on the type of negotiated terms you choose to set up. For terms where debits / credits are calculated for each covered service agreement individually, select We Bill For Them, Rate Ready. We are effectively billing on behalf of the principal party. For terms where the discount is calculated on an amalgamated SA there is no billing relationship because no additional billing services are provided for each covered service agreement.
Select a Payment Relationship of Pay SPR Not Applicable if debits / credits to the sub-SA should not be transferred to the service provider. If you want to transfer charges at bill completion time using a bill completion algorithm, you should also select Pay SPR Not Applicable because you will not be creating adjustments to pay the principal party service at payment time or at billing time.
Enter a Transfer A/R Algorithm to transfer the debit / credit from the sub-SA to the principal party's service agreement. If you do not want to transfer the debit / credit to the principally party's service agreement, you do not need to specify a transfer algorithm.