We Can Send Billed Consumption To Any Service Provider
You can send consumption to any service provider. It doesn't matter what their billing relationship is. Information on the service provider object tells the system if AND how to send consumption to a service provider.
Rather than send raw reads to service providers, we download consumption that has been calculated and snapshot onto the "master" bill segment. We send this billed consumption because:
It is clean and validated
Register indexes have been subtracted
Multiple registers have been summed
We only send consumption after a bill segment is Frozen. If your organization supports We Bill For Them - Bill Ready service providers AND you are the source of consumption used by these service providers to calculate their charges, please refer to The Bill Ready Calculation Method for an explanation of how the system waits a given amount of time for the recipient of the consumption to interface their charges back to the system before sending the bill to the customer. In other words, the bill sent to the customer should contain the bill segment that triggered the consumption download as well as bill segments containing uploaded billable charges.