When They Bill For Us, They Owe Us Money
When a service provider bills on behalf of your organization, they will eventually owe you money (because the customer pays them for your service).
The system keeps track of how much a service provider owes you on a service agreement linked to the service provider's account. The question is, How does the system determine how much you are owed when you don't produce a bill? Well, you do produce a bill, it just doesn't get sent to the customer. We understand this is a little confusing, but think about it like this:
The service provider is presenting your charges on their bill.
You still have to calculate how much the customer owes your organization otherwise you'll never know how much you are owed by the service provider.
As illustrated below, when a bill is completed, the system determines if there are bill segments and/or adjustments associated with service agreements with a service provider who "bills for us". If it finds these, it transfers the receivable from the customer's service agreement to the service provider's service agreement. If all financial transactions have been transferred to the service provider, no bill is produced for the customer.
Bottom line. We always generate a bill for "us", even though we don't send it to the customer.