The time of use map's purpose is to define time of use codes for given time periods. For example:
1/Jan/2001 05:00:000 is Off Peak, Winter
1/July/2001 13:00:000 is Weekend, Summer
5/July/2001 12:30:000 is On Peak, Summer
The time of use codes of "Off Peak, Winter" and "Weekend, Summer" are user-defined and use the same TOU code available for defining TOU for simple metering.
The set of time of use codes that make up a certain classic TOU map, are grouped together using the TOU group. The TOU group is a logical grouping of time of use codes. A TOU can exist on more than one TOU group.
The TOU group is used to define the collection of time of use codes available for a classic TOU map. In addition, you will see TOU group used in other areas of interval billing where a collection of time of use codes is required.