TOU Price Breaks
This section describes functionality related to price changes for time of use bill factor values. This logic is only applicable when the interval quantities do not measure peak quantities.
Algorithms are Called for Each TOU Price Break
Algorithms Are Responsible for Storing Calculation Details
Algorithms are Called for Each TOU Price Break
Rate application logic understands how to determine price breaks for the bill factor referenced on your rate component and calls the calculation algorithm for each price break. The TOU pricing algorithm will be passed the appropriate date/time range to handle mapping and pricing and will produce separated bill calculation lines for each time period.
Single TOU Group. If your rate component references a TOU bill factor, the price breaks for the bill factor are determined using a single TOU group. If multiple classic TOU maps are applicable for the billing period and each refers to a different TOU group (via its TOU map type), the system uses the SA type's rate selection date to select the appropriate TOU group to use to determine the collection of prices to apply.
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Algorithms Are Responsible for Storing Calculation Details
When the TOU mapping algorithms calculate the mapped quantities for a given date/time range, the results are stored in the calculation/audit read details collection on the bill segment. This collection enables the system to record the mapped quantities along with period represented by each quantity.
Your algorithms may opt to additionally capture the total quantity for each time of use in the SQ Details collection as an audit.
Bill Factor prices have effective dates only. There is no effective time. When a price break occurs, the algorithm will determine the time for the price breaks in the same manner that billing time is determined. Refer to Start and End Times for Billing for more information.
The system provides one sample algorithm RCTMS that performs TOU mapping and another algorithm RCTMPS that performs TOU mapping and pricing or pricing alone. These algorithms support TOU price break logic as follows:
The mapping functions for both algorithms populate the calculation/audit read details collection and allow you to set a parameter to indicate whether SQ entries should also be created.
Based on a parameter, the pricing portion of RCTMPS applies the appropriate TOU prices to the mapped quantities stored in the calculation/audit read details collection.
If RCTMPS has been configured to perform mapping and pricing, it will perform the two functions as separate steps: first it maps the quantities and populates the read details, then it applies TOU prices to the read details. It does this for the following reasons:
You may have a rate that requires manipulation of mapped quantities prior to applying prices. For example, perhaps you must add service quantities from a non-interval meter to your mapped quantities prior to applying prices.
You may need to override the mapped quantities when recalculating a bill. The base algorithms will not re-map the quantities if the details were overridden. The pricing portion applies the prices to the overridden quantities.