TOU Sequence
If desired, you may use sequence number to indicate the relative position or relative priority of each TOU code within a TOU group. This sequence number is not used by any system functionality, but is available for you to use in a plug-in algorithm.
For example, assume that your customer's contract states that if the usage for the time period "ON" is below a certain contract limit, they will be charged the "ON" price. However, if the usage exceeds this contract limit, they will be charged a higher price for this usage. Let's assume the same is true for "OFF". You may choose to implement this as follows:
Besides TOU codes of "ON" and "OFF", create additional TOU codes called "ONEXCESS" and "OFFEXCESS"
Define the TOU codes within the TOU group with sequences values as follows:
Time of Use
TOU Sequence
Your classic TOU map will only define time periods for ON and OFF, but you will have TOU prices for all four time of use values.
Design your TOU pricing algorithm so that if the usage for a given TOU is within the contract limit, the price for this TOU is used. However, if the usage exceeds the contract limit, then it will find the TOU with the next highest sequence and use the price for that TOU.