Alerts For Non-Billed Budgets
The system provides alerts to highlight the existence of Non-Billed Budgets. These alerts are important to assist the customer service representatives:
An alert is displayed if the account has a Non-Billed Budget that is not stopped (e.g., pending start, active or pending stop ).
When a user denies a Non-Billed Budget (for whatever reason), the user should create a customer contact with a given customer contact type. This type of alert prevents the customer from shopping around. An existing alert algorithm type (CC BY TYPCL) can highlight these customer contacts.
For customers who are permanently forbidden from having a Non-Billed Budget, the user should put a permanent alert on the account.
Use an algorithm to highlight cancelled or severed non-billed budgets with an entry in the alert zone. The algorithm type to do this is not provided. Use PP BY STATUS and CCAL-WF as examples of how to create this type of algorithm.
For more information about introducing alert conditions on Control Central, refer to Installation Options - Algorithms.