Current Amount For SAs Covered By A Non-Billed Budget
As described under Current Amount versus Payoff Amount , the values of the current balance and payoff balance are the same for most financial transactions. One exception is for SAs that are covered by a Non-Billed Budget in which case the current balance is always zero and the payoff balance is always the amount the customer really owes.
When a Non-Billed Budget is activated or an SA is added to a Non-Billed Budget, the system creates adjustments for all affected SAs to set the current amount equal to zero. The adjustment type that references the Payoff Amt = 0 / Current Amt = Adj Amount (no GL) algorithm is taken from the SA's SA type.
Non-Billed Budgets and Open Item Accounts. If the Non-Billed Budget is for an open item account, no match event is created for the financial transaction that reduces the current amount to zero. This FT must be manually matched if required.
The following example shows the effect of activating a Non-Billed Budget that covers an electric SA with a current balance of 25. The transactions for the electric SA are illustrated on the right and the transactions for the non-billed budget SA are illustrated on the left.
Effect On Current Balance
Effect On Payoff Balance
Current Balance
Payoff Balance
Effect On Current Balance
Effect On Payoff Balance
Current Balance
Payoff Balance
Electric SA
Non-Billed Budget SA
Starting balance
Non-Billed Budget is activated
By setting the current balance for the covered SAs to zero, the SAs are insulated from the regular debt monitoring process. Depending on the Non-Billed Budget recommendation algorithm , the payoff balance can be ignored, divided evenly between the scheduled payments or added to the first scheduled payment.
Activating a Non-Billed Budget has no affect on its own current or payoff balances.